Curso de Inglês
Carga horária: 30 horas
Curso de inglês para aprendizado da lingua inglêsa do nível básico até o intermediário.
Curso com Certificado
Avaliação do Curso: 5.0
Categoria: Novos Cursos / Novos Cursos
- Personal Pronouns + Verb to Be
- Personal Pronouns + Verb to Be (Exercises)
- Possessive Adjectives + Indefinite Articles (+ Exercises)
- IT Exceptions
- Plural of Word (+ Exercises)
- The Definite Article
- The Possessive Case
- Question Words
- Locations
- There Is & There Are
- A Lot Of X Very
- Some, Any & No
- Some, Any & No (Exercises)
- Something, Anything & Nothing
- Something, Anything & Nothing (Exercises)
- How Many & How Much (+ Exercises)
- Ordinal Numbers
- Dates
- What or Which (+ Exercises)
- Adverbs of Frequency
- Can
- Also, Too & Either (+ Exercises)
- Three Digit Numbers
- Number Expressions
- Object Pronouns (+ Exercises)
- Should
- Four Digit Numbers
- There Was & There Were
- Adverbs of Frequency (+ Exercises)
- How to Measure
- Adjectives Order
- Must + Modal verbs (+ Exercises)
- Periods of Time